There is a BUTTERFLY, a BAT, a DUCK in the picture, can you find it?

Find Bat Duck Butterfly.

Use your brain to prevent Alzheimer’s disease and do a small test: there is a butterfly, a bat, a duck in the picture, can you find it?

Try it!

If you cannot find one, it means your brain is deteriorating.

If you can only find one, it means you are begun to step into old age.

If you can find two, you still ok.

If you find all three, you are healthy.

Scroll down for the answer.








Don’t forget to check out these funny animal jokes!

Two bats are hanging upside down on a branch.

One asks the other, “Do you recall your worst day last year?”

The other responds, “Yes, the day I had diarrhea!”

Two blondes decide to go duck hunting.

Neither one of them has ever been duck hunting before and after several hours they still haven’t bagged any.

One hunter looks at the other and says, “I just don’t understand it, why aren’t we getting any ducks?”

Her friend says, “I keep telling you, I just don’t think we’re throwing the dog high enough.”