Mama Cat Scolding Kitten After It Went Missing.

Mother cat scolding the kitten

The video showed the mother running around, worried, searching for her kitten.

She is angry and actually scolds her baby and then goes near and slaps it for wandering away from the safety of the home.

The mam cat then grabbed it in its mouth and took it away.




It doesn’t get cuter than a kitten in a little bear hat hanging out in the sun.

The clip features an adorable little orange and white kitten with a little teddy bear bonnet, perfectly crafted to fit the fluffy feline’s heart-melting face.

The fact that we’re dealing with a tiny baby only adds to the cuteness factor, as the kitten can barely crawl over an equally fluffy rug to its mama cat.

The confused mom sniffs her little one with and backs away, apparently confused.