Kind dog gives meat bun to homeless cat after noticing it in garden.

The heartwarming scene in the video shows a caring canine going above and beyond to give his starving feline mate food.

The dog’s owner, M Fu, was initially worried that her dog, Pudding, may act aggressively towards the cat.

Her concerns were quickly allayed, though, when she saw Pudding drop a meat bun in front of the cat in the courtyard of their house.

Pudding can be seen approaching a little cat next to the garden stairs in the video, wagging his tail.

Pudding looks at the meat bun patiently before turning to face the cat and encouragingly looking down at it.

The ginger cat keeps a watchful posture, keeping an eye on the dog until it is unable to resist the allure of the tempting food.

The dog, the cat’s new friend, watches as it cautiously takes a timid bite of the bun and then quickly runs away up the stairs.

Ms Fu was astounded by the animal-to-animal kindness that her pet displayed.




When a kitten was hanging on for dear life from a clothesline outside of an apartment window, these two men utilized a stick to knock the cat off the line and a rug to safely catch it.

The poor feline was spotted dangling precariously from the thin wire after straying out onto its owner’s window ledge.

Thankfully, two quick-thinking residents in the building came up with a plan to rescue the kitty before it fell from the clothesline.

One of the men then uses a broom to gently tap the cat and allow it to fall from the washing line.

The cat, unaware of the plan, tries to fight against the broom and clings on for dear life until it is eventually knocked off balance.

Luckily the men are ready and catch the cat in the blanket before pulling it safely indoors.