Ginger cat garners fame dancing to ‘Mr Sandman’.

A ginger cat has become the star of a video which turned into a global hit.

The cat has been identified as Ed – named after singer Ed Sheeran- who belongs to teen Jade Taylor-Ryan from Ontario, Canada.

In the video, Ed claps his paws, peers into the camera and twirls in and out of the frame in time to the music.

The video is split into nine screens, making it look like a whole cast of orange cats is dancing along.





Have you ever seen a cat bop to the beat? Then this clip is sure to be a treat!

This little orange cat’s owner knows how to make the super sweet fuzzball moves.

Speaking of funny, the kitty’s owner holds the animal on its hind legs and moves it to the beats.

The soundtrack is perfectly complemented by the funky feline, who goes through the masterful motions with a stoic look on its face, making the whole thing all the more hilarious.