Hilarious cat’s reaction to being unexpectedly petted by its human.

Human randomly pets cat, video captures kitty’s reaction to the gesture

The video shows a cat’s reaction to unexpectedly getting a pet from its human.

The video opens to show the cat sitting with its back towards its human. Within moments, the human pets the kitty.

Take a look at the video to see how it reacts.




Cat Gags Smelling Sour Cream

In the short clip, the kitten named Belyash is sitting on a blanket.

Its owner holds out a container of cream and gets the pet to give it a smell.

After eying the container disinterestedly, the cat takes a tentative sniff.

About a second after catching a whiff of the stuff, the cat has a sudden, dramatic reaction.

The poor thing gags so hard that its tongue comes all the way out of its mouth and its eyes bulge like a cartoon character’s.

Belyash looks like it’s going to be violently sick!





Caught In The Act, This Cute And Sneaky Cat Tries To Play It Cool

Looks like this cat’s wily ways have finally caught up with him.

Even caught in the act, the repentant feline thinks he can slink away slowly.

This little purr-glar knows no shame.

Watch his hilarious reaction as he gets discovered in the act in the video below!