A raccoon apologizes to his kitten friend after accidentally biting it’s ear too hard.

Cute raccoon tries to cuddle a cat.

There are unusual animal friendships. And then there are animal friendships where one animal wants just that little bit more than the other one.

We’ve all been there. Not with a raccoon or a kitten, admittedly. But we defy you to watch the video above and not relate to one of the animals in this scenario.

Because when it comes showing your love for another person, the question to ask oneself is clearly not ‘Are you a man or a mouse?’ but ‘Are you a raccoon or a kitten?’






A new viral video attests to that, showcasing a little girl who adores kissing her cat.

In the clip, the girl is seen holding the feline and giving it all the love she has to offer.

“Backstory of the video: the two were looking out the window when my girl just went ahead and kissed her kitty (which I don’t usually encourage with my kids), I’m glad I captured this moment to cherish when she grows up,” the girl’s mother explains the context of the clip.