A person’s failed attempts to foil a cat’s plan. Hilarious video!

Human tries stopping a cat from pushing a pen, fails miserably.

A video shows how a cat pretends to give up on its plan to push a pen off a table to trick a human.

It opens to show a cat lying on a table with a pen kept in front of it.

At first, the kitty casually rolls the pen on the table.

A person gets ready to catch the item, in case the kitty pushes it off the table.

Understanding the human’s intentions, the cat pretends to push the pen a few times but stops at the last moment.

The cat then rests its head on the table, pretending that it has lost its interest in the game.

However, the moment the human relaxes – probably thinking that the cat has given up – the kitty proceeds with its plan of pushing the pen and succeeds.





Cat Mimics Owner’s Coin Trick

In this video, you’ll see a ginger cat really focusing on its owner’s hand trying to understand what the trick is all about.

After this, it mimics and aces the trick.

The cat’s owner tosses the coin up in the air and puts their palm over it, as if the coin had disappeared and make the cat wonder where it vanished.

But no, clearly the ginger cat does not take too much time to figure out this simple trick.

Well done little magicien!



The Chihuahua had no idea it was about to be pranked.

While we don’t know whether the cat realises that someone or something is about to come through the door, it sit patiently waiting by an open door.

After a few moments, a tiny Chihuahua wearing a little red jumper comes into view in the doorway.

As the dog, completely unaware of the cat, gets closer, the cat leaps towards the dog.