Little Boy Busted Into Tears When He Received Birthday Gift From His Late Father

It’s time to get out the tissues because there’s an emotional video of a 13-year-old boy receiving a puppy as a birthday gift from his late father.

The little boy was given a small, cute Boston Terrier puppy in a car.

Everything seemed perfectly normal until his cousin talked. “It’s from your dad. That’s your dog,” he said.

The boy bursted into tears at that moment, “Really?” Logan asked twice as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

This surprise birthday gift was prepared by the boy’s father who had recently passed away on the 8th of January after a nine-year battle against cancer.

The boy had always wanted a dog of his own, however, his father was allergic so the family was never able to get one.

The farther may have gone to another world, but his love for his family is still there, and will forever be there.