If you don’t unplug the 5 electrical devices in your house, your electricity bill will soon double

If you don’t unplug these 5 devices around the house, your electricity bill could end up doubling.

Desktop Computer

A desktop computer, especially when hooked up to peripherals like a monitor, speakers, and a printer, still uses power even when it’s not being used. If you leave it in standby mode instead of turning it off completely, it continues to drain electricity. Make sure to unplug your computer and its peripherals when you’re not using them to save on energy.


Your microwave not only uses electricity when it’s running, but it also draws a small amount of power while on standby. If you aren’t planning to use it for a while, it’s best to unplug it to avoid wasting power.


Like many electronic devices, your television continues to use electricity even when it’s turned off. Modern TVs can still draw power when the screen is off. To cut down on unnecessary energy use, make it a habit to unplug your TV after each use.

Phone and Electronic Device Chargers

Many of us leave phone or device chargers plugged in even after our gadgets are fully charged. This wastes electricity and can even harm your devices over time. To avoid this, make sure to unplug chargers once the device is fully charged.

Water Heater

Water heaters can be heavy electricity users, especially if they’re left on all day. If you’re not using it constantly, unplugging the water heater when it’s not in use can help lower your energy consumption and reduce your electricity bill.

By unplugging these devices when you’re not using them, you can easily lower your electricity costs.