Cat Walks Into Malaysian University Classroom, Falling Asleep Due To Boring Lecture

Cat Walks Into Malaysian University Classroom, Falling Asleep Due To Boring Lecture.

Credit: Nur Elynna Binti

We’ve all had morning classes in university that were so boring we couldn’t help but nod off. So when Nur Elynna Binti Mohammad Shaharul Hashri, a 21-year-old student from Malaysia’s International Islamic University, posted a photo of a foolish cat openly lying on her desk in the middle of one of the lectures, the Internet community reacted – too relatable!

Check out this hilarious cat’s photos below!

A Malaysian university student shared a picture of a cat attending a lecture…

Credit: Nur Elynna Binti

Soon after, the gray chubby cat fell unapologetically slumber…

Credit: Nur Elynna Binti

The Internet went bananas, proclaiming that she had done the most relatable thing ever!

Credit: Nur Elynna Binti

Oh, kitty, I’m sorry. We can’t say we blame you… We understand how tedious university lectures may be.

Credit: Nur Elynna Binti