Can you spot the playful cat hiding in plain sight?

A cheeky cat has hidden among these chainsaws in the hardware store.

She has taken a fancy to the spot on the shelf – but can you spot her?

Now take a look:

Do you see the hidden cat?

If not, that’s OK.

Keep trying.

Here’s a hint.

focus on the third row

If you want to see the solution, keep scrolling.

Last chance to turn back!

Here it is:




A blonde and her husband listening the neighbour’s dog Barking

A Blonde and his husband are lying in bed listening to the next-door neighbor’s dog. It has been in the backyard barking for hours.

The blonde jumps up out of bed and says,

“I’ve had enough of this.”

She goes downstairs then comes back up to the bed and said.

“The dog is still barking, what have you been doing?”

The blonde says,

“I put the dog in our backyard… let’s see how THEY like all the barking!”