A Smushed-Faced Kitten Finds the Perfect Family

Turns out this kitten was born with an adorable, smushed face and a crazy attitude!

She was found barely alive by the side of the road.

Lynsey, a vet student, realized she required continual care and took her home to syringe feed her every four hours.

This little kitten had a chance to survive.

She was born with a cleft palate and other congenital abnormalities, which were quickly recognized.

She also developed a ringworm infection and an upper respiratory infection.

Smush, as she is now known, is a fighter who, a few months later, lives with a loving family that includes two loving people, three dogs, three other cats, and a hedgehog!

She’s the fiery one in the family, according to all reports.

Watch the following video:

Woman adopts ‘ugly’ cat that no one else wanted: ‘It was the best thing to happen to me’

Woman adopts ‘ugly’ cat that no one else wanted: ‘It was the best thing to happen to me’